Gather Town map services

The Covid pandemic has impacted the way we work and spend our time with people. Gather Town is a platform that allows people to interact with others in colourful 2D spaces: offices, parks, music venues and many more.

We have experience in designing and building custom Gather maps for offices, events and campaigns. We work with talented pixel artists to bring your ideas to life, apply your branding and make your space stand out. We are also comfortable using the rich base Gather tileset, which offers hundreds of different tiles and sprites.

By using the Gather API, we can create bespoke elements, automated events and services, and run games and activities. Whether it’s treasure hunts, conferences, galleries, presentations - we got you covered.

Get in touch

We’d love to discuss any project you have in mind, whether it’s small or big. Drop us a line, or give us a quick call!

An example of a Gather layour using pixel art showing a room
People sitting by a table